News & Events

Flecha hacia abajo Implementing AI developments in healthcare. What we have learned
AICCELERATE has been an ambitious project to implement an open AI-based solution in 5 hospital settings, focused on 3 different...
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Flecha hacia abajo AICCELERATE project newsletter. Issue #6
AICCELERATE project’s newsletter released its fifth issue this month with some interesting news and upcoming events. Didn’t receive it? You...
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Flecha hacia abajo Webinar on AI-driven research projects for Hospitals. How to face...
How tough is it to deal with all the practicalities of data sharing for AI-driven research? Navigating the landscape of...
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Flecha hacia abajo Webinar on ethics. EU Health Data Space and AI
Will the EU Health Data Space (EHDS) finally enable health data sharing in the EU for better innovation and AI...
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Flecha hacia abajo Attitudes Towards the Adoption of Remote Patient Monitoring and Artificial...
Early detection of Parkinson’s Disease (PD) progression remains a challenge. As remote patient monitoring solutions (RMS) and artificial intelligence (AI)...
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Flecha hacia abajo Webinar on IT. Transparency and Interoperability in AI developments in...
The widespread integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms and models into the forefront of clinical practice remains a challenging endeavour,...
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