News & Events

Flecha hacia abajo AICCELERATE project newsletter. Issue #1
AICCELERATE project released yesterday its first newsletter. This issue offers a quick tour through the project and the pilots that...
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Flecha hacia abajo Finnish National Conference on Telemedicine and eHealth 2021
The International Conference & the 26th Finnish National Conference on Telemedicine and eHealth, “eHealth in a Lifecycle” will take place...
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Flecha hacia abajo HUS will present AICCELERATE at the first DIH-Hero conference
Join us on the next 19th of May 2021 at DIH-HERO Conference, where Ms Tuuli Pajunen from HUS (the project’s...
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Flecha hacia abajo Significant EU funding for proposing a scalable AI tool for...
Helsinki University Hospital (HUS) is leading an EU project that aims to develop an adaptable AI-based toolset for a variety...
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