News & Events

Flecha hacia abajo Data processing and analysis toolbox for AICCELERATE
Data is the key to unlocking the full potential of AI solutions in healthcare. The challenge thereby, however, is to...
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Flecha hacia abajo AICCELERATE at the Finnish Health AI forum
The Health AI series of meetings that started in the spring of 2022 will now continue in the fall, providing...
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Flecha hacia abajo “AI, digitalization, and algorithms” panel at the EASST conference 2022,...
On the past 7th of July, our partner from UniPD Francesco Miele, PhD and Senior Assistant Professor at the University...
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Flecha hacia abajo AICCELERATE and DIH Hero at the European Robotics Forum in...
The European Robotics Forum 2022 (ERF 2022) is the most influential meeting of the robotics community in Europe. This edition...
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Flecha hacia abajo First face to face consortium meeting in Helsinki
After almost one year and a half, AICCELERATE project’s partners had the opportunity to meet in Helsinki on the past...
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Flecha hacia abajo SIMA robot, a social robot to improve the assistance to...
In one of AICCELERATE’s pilots, we aim to improve the assistance to the chronic pediatric patient at home. For this...
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