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SIMA robot, a social robot to improve the assistance to the chronic pediatric patients at home

26 - May

In one of AICCELERATE’s pilots, we aim to improve the assistance to the chronic pediatric patient at home. For this purpose, it has been proposed a combination of devices to monitor the patient combined with the use of a social robot.

If possible and desired by family and patient, this robot will help to improve home care monitoring, keeping a close follow-up and monitoring their disease through a home care team, jointly with other devices which will facilitate communication between patient and care professionals. The AI will enhance the way how the patient’s risk is sorted helping the allocation of resources and the advanced detection of unexpected events.

SIMA robot is the option chosen to be implemented in Hospital Sant Joan de Deu, which is a robot developed in Chile that interacts with the user by following the social behaviour patterns in voice, emotion and gestures. With this tool, we can monitor the patient at home actively and follow the evolution. This robot has social capabilities to increase patient acceptance and engagement through affectivity and personalization and acts in response to user inputs.

Our colleague Jordi Escuder from Eurecat Research Centre explains how it will work.

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