News & Events

Flecha hacia abajo AICCELERATE project newsletter. Issue #2
AICCELERATE project’s newsletter released this month its second issue. Didn’t receive it? You can read it here. We will send a...
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Flecha hacia abajo An intelligent digital service that will improve the care of...
In the coming months, Helsinki University Hospital (HUS) will pilot an intelligent digital service for patients and clinicians that will...
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Flecha hacia abajo Functional requirements definition process
During the first year of the project (2021), the five clinical partners worked hard to produce the Functional Requirements specifications....
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Flecha hacia abajo Health Data Preparation for Artificial Intelligence
The generalizability and reusability of an AI model and digital intervention or decision support service built on that model are...
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Flecha hacia abajo International Chilhood Cancer Day
On Tuesday of this week, it was International Childhood Cancer Day. According to World Health Organization, cancer is a leading...
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Flecha hacia abajo The role of Artificial Intelligence in the healthcare evolution
The incredible amount of health data available nowadays offers a multi-modal vision of each patient that Artificial Intelligence can leverage...
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