News & Events

Flecha hacia abajo Hospital management optimisation and more personalised patient pathways for pre...
In Oulu University Hospital, there are approximately 20,000 annual operations which of 7,500 are urgent. Of those remaining 12,500, more...
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Flecha hacia abajo Artificial Intelligence’s potential to revolutionize healthcare
AI in healthcare is promising a lot, and in fact, we all are witnessing the exponential growth of AI applications...
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Flecha hacia abajo AICCELERATE at the Radical Health Festival
Early this week our partners participated in the Radical Health Festival in Helsinki, during the session facilitated by EHTEL, the...
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Flecha hacia abajo AICCELERATE project newsletter. Issue #4
AICCELERATE project’s newsletter released its fourth issue this month with the premiere of our last video. Didn’t receive it? You can read...
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Flecha hacia abajo Early detection of the advanced stages of Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s disease is the second most common age-related neurodegenerative disorder after Alzheimer’s disease. According to NHS, around 1 in 500...
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Flecha hacia abajo An AI-enhanced system for pre and post-surgery patient flow management
Among the tools that the Smart Hospital Care Pathway (SHCP) Engine will provide, there is one specifically focused on hospital...
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