News & Events

Flecha hacia abajo AI developments in healthcare. From models to application
  One who controls data, controls AI development? Traditionally, nearly any organization can develop software ready for production and bring...
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Flecha hacia abajo Webinar with patients. Let your digital service live long and...
2024 starts with a series of webinars you won’t want to miss! What can we learn from patients participating in...
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Flecha hacia abajo AICCELERATE at Medica Trade Fair 2023
November has come full of events in which our project is taking an active presence! Two weeks ago we were...
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Flecha hacia abajo AICCELERATE at Frontiers Health 2023
Early last week our partners participated in the Frontiers Health 2023 event in Rome. During the event, our partner Jovan...
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Flecha hacia abajo EU model contractual AI clauses to pilot in procurements of...
Supporting public buyers in procuring AI-enabled solutions that are trustworthy, fair and secure is one of the aims of these...
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Flecha hacia abajo AICCELERATE project newsletter. Issue #5
AICCELERATE project’s newsletter released its fifth issue this month with some interesting news and upcoming events. Didn’t receive it? You can read...
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