News & Events

Flecha hacia abajo AICCELERATE at the Smart City Expo Word Congress in Barcelona
Our partners from Nuromedia presented the AICCELERATE project during the Smart City Expo World Congress showcasing how artificial intelligence can...
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Flecha hacia abajo Patients’ and neurologists’ preferences for remote monitoring and AI to...
In early November, our partners from Erasmus University attended the ISPOR Europe conference in Vienna. During the conference, they had...
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Flecha hacia abajo AI in healthcare: ethical and legal challenges
AI in Digital Health is happening NOW We have seen it in movies and TV series but also in futuristic...
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Flecha hacia abajo AICCELERATE project newsletter. Issue #3
AICCELERATE project’s newsletter released its third issue this month. Didn’t receive it? You can read it here. We will send...
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Flecha hacia abajo A tour through the Smart Hospital Care Pathway Engine, the...
The aim of the project is the deployment of Artificial Intelligence solutions that allow hospitals to improve efficiency and the...
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Flecha hacia abajo Movement Disorder Society (MDS) International Congress 2022 in Madrid
Movement Disorder Society International Congress is a prestigious congress, that brings together thousands of clinicians, researchers, healthcare professionals and industry...
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